Contraband Slot Machine Dulfy

The Contraband Slot Machine has been nerfed beyond all reason. When they first came out this item gave out all kinds of prizes.but people whined and so the. The Contraband Slot Machine gives out more wins than losses so it's a great way to make credits and get Cartel. Have I created a monster? Only time will tell.

  1. Free Slot Machine

Free Slot Machine

10.25.2019 , 03:15 PM | #1
Just FYI, Contraband Cartel coins are now 5000 credits (rather than 750 credits), which means you'll pay 5 million credits to get 1000 coins, which got me:
518 banned holovids (vendor value 259k)
386 prohibited medical supplies (vendor value 386k)
155 confiscated artwork (vendor value 387k)
3 green jawa scrap
5 blue jawa scrap
2 purple jawa scrap
0 contraband cartel certificates
So those jawa merchant decorations, medical droid decorations, and twilek dancers on the GTN are about to go WAY up in price, if you can find them at all.